Popular Items to collect for Food Drive

We use the grocery store model distribution method.  Each person comes in and chooses the items they need to fill the gap in their own pantry.  Desirable items to purchase for a food drive: Tuna and/or meat in a...

Annual Fundraiser and Ways to help!!

Join us on Sunday, April 2, 2016, 5:30p.m., Trinity Church of Austin for a dinner and silent auction to support the pantry and its mission to help alleviate hunger in our community. Reserve your ticket by emailing to info@hopefoodpantryaustin.org.  $30 in advance/$35 at...

New Look

The Hope Food Pantry Austin website got a new look in November, thanks to Phaedra Chandler, a member of Trinity United Methodist Church.  Phaedra owns Clever Waif, which creates websites for non-profits, small businesses, and therapists. We hope you...