One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.

Virginia Woolf

Hope Food Pantry Austin is a partner agency with Central Texas Food Bank and uses its unique position to collaborate with the community to help alleviate hunger in the Austin community.  See our Helping Heart Partner list for more information.

Hope helps families put food on their table!

Many of our recipients are older adults, single parents, the homeless, people with disabilities, unemployed or under-employed. Generous donations allow Hope to continue distributing the basic nutritional staples of rice and beans, canned fruit and vegetables, tuna, pasta and pasta sauce, and a few choice items each week.

Each month Hope volunteers distribute between 11,000-15,000 pounds of canned items, fresh produce, meat and eggs. That’s equivalent to over 12,000 meals. Due to Covid-19 we now distribute by way of curbside and just started delivering to pre-determined home bound seniors in our newly formed pilot program with Drive A Senior.

Hope is funded by individuals, churches, grants and fundraisers. Reference materials for other surrounding food pantries and health and human services are also at hand for the shoppers. Hope is a program under Common Good Community Development EIN 46-3688200.

Learn more about Hunger Around Us.

Our Impact

2020: The pandemic has brought challenges and uncertainty to many of our neighbors including food insecurity. If ever there was a time for Hope, it is now. Because of your generosity and our amazing community, Hope volunteers distributed over 700,000 pounds of food this past year which is equivalent to approximately 840,000 meals.  We also handed out a total of $13,250 HEB gift cards to enable the dignity of choice to our families.  

We collaborated with Good Apple, LLC and Drive-A-Senior to increase our distribution efforts delivering food to the door steps of senior citizens, the immune-compromised and others who have been homebound. To help connect with families who are straining financially and struggling with the uncertainty of school closures and online learning, Hope provided AISD staff with HEB gift cards to distribute.  Building relationships like these means that Hope has been in our community in new and vital ways, bringing attention, care, and food to those who need it most.

In 2019, Hope volunteers:
♥  Served an equivalent of ~153,148 meals.
♥  Purchased over 1600 dozen eggs and 2800 pounds of meat to fill the gap.
♥  Picked up and distribute 46,539 pounds of fresh produce/food and 1615 pounds of fresh flowers from Natural Grocers, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Pepperidge Farm.
♥  Delivered 510 backpacks full of nutritious food to AISD students in need.
♥  Offered additional services through the Hope Clothes Closet and Children’s library.
♥  Hosted multiple health and social service groups to help clients with other needs.

In 2018, Hope volunteers:
♥  Served an equivalent of ~123,410 meals.
♥  Purchased over 1600 dozen eggs and 2800 pounds of meat to fill the gap.
♥  Picked up and distribute 46,539 pounds of fresh produce/food and 1615 pounds of fresh flowers from Natural Grocers, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Pepperidge Farm.
♥  Delivered 510 backpacks full of nutritious food to AISD students in need.
♥  Offered additional services through the Hope Clothes Closet and Children’s library.
♥  Hosted multiple health and social service groups to help clients with other needs.

In 2017, Hope volunteers:
♥  Distributed food equivalent to ~100,809 meals.
♥  Purchased eggs, meat, and other staples each week to ensure availability to ALL.
♥ Rescued 48,358 pounds of fresh produce/food and 1080 pounds of fresh flowers from: Trader Joe’s, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, and Pepperidge Farm. 
♥ Collected 65,983 pounds of food from community food drives. 
♥ Provided 450 backpacks full of nutritious food to AISD students in need.
♥ Expanded the Hope Closet and Children’s library.

2016: 13,383 individuals
2015: 13,050 individuals
2014: 13,045 individuals
2013: 12,161 individuals
2012: 11,811 individuals
Includes duplicates: Clients served more than once in a year.

Clients Served in previous years

2011:  Hope served 8203 individuals.
2010: Hope served 8868 individuals plus 392 individuals due to a special CAFB program Hope managed.
2009: Hope served ____ individuals  (tbd)
2008: Hope served 7844 individuals
2000-2007: No consistent tracking available.