Emergency Grocery Food Pantry distribution during the COVID-19 crisis! en español. Our mission has always been to help alleviate hunger in the community. Hope volunteers have been supplying Austin families with groceries since the year 2000. That puts Hope in a very strong position to help during these unprecedented and difficult times. See our impact!
Pick up at Curbside Distribution: Distribution hours are Thursday, Friday, and first Saturday of the month from 9 – 10:30. We will help check you in with a no contact, social distancing safe process. Families who come will be given pre-packed bags of staple food items. Located at 4001 Speedway 78751.
Our Delivery Initiative with Good Apple has ended. The Stay Home, Stay Healthy initiative is no longer accepting new clients at this time. Last deliveries will be made July 29th. If you are in need of food, please visit connectatx.org or call 211.
Gracias por visitar Stay Home, Stay Healthy. En este momento no estamos aceptando nuevos clientes, ya que nuestro programa finaliza el 29 de julio. Si necesita alimentos de emergencia, visite connectatx.org o llame al 211.
For more information see: https://www.goodapplefoods.com/covid-19
Hope is a program under Common Good Community Development EIN 46-3688200. Contact Stephanie at info@hopefoodpantryaustin.org with any inquiries.
The following photos/information have not been updated with current COVID-19 practices.